Tuesday, December 31, 2019
How to Know When to Quit Your Job
How to Know When to Quit Your JobHow to Know When to Quit Your JobShould You End Things with Your Job?When is it time for you to end things with your job?No one takes a job with the expectation that it will turn into a disappointment, much like no one chooses to go into a new relationship thinking about how it may not work out. When you arrive at the realization that your job has become a source of anxiety, things may look grim indeed. If your relationship status with your job is complicated, thats just another way of saying Its not working. So how do you know when to end it?Many professionals have a strong resistance to leaving a job thats not working out. Quitting is hard because it carries an implication that you gave up, did not try hard enough, or were not good enough to make it work. The reality, as Seth Godin so aptly puts it, is that the motivational quotes that tell you Quitters never win and winners never quit are wrong. Winners quit all the time they just quit the right stuff at the right time.That can be surprisingly difficult to do. How do you make koranvers you quit for the right reasons? How do you find a new job while employed? Here are five questions to ask yourself that can help you think through your complicated relationship with your job and make the best decision.1 Where is the problem really coming from?Before you plan your next career move, your first step should be to honestly look at the current situation and figure out whats happening. Sometimes, the issue has little to do with the job and everything to do with your personal life. Dissatisfaction or missing pieces in one parte of your life can certainly spill elsewhere, so check your basics before you give up on a career. Health, sleep deprivation, relationships figure out where exactly the problem is before you make any dramatic changes at work.2 Is your discomfort temporary or permanent?Professional growth does not come pain-free. If the discomfort you are experiencing is a tempor ary side effect of learning new things or stretching into new challenges, quitting your job will rob you of an opportunity to grow and advance professionally. If the discomfort is permanent or damaging, however, staying in the situation will cost you time from your career and not contribute much to your professional development.3 What is your personal point of no return?Everyone has a personal set of factors that are firm nonstarters. What are yours? An abusive boss, a job that has offered no opportunities for growth and career development, a commute to the new office that consumes two hours in one direction you decide what would spell an absolute no for you.4 What needs to change for you to feel great about staying?This is the reverse of question three Instead of thinking about what would make the decision to quit a no-brainer, consider what it would take to stay. Most situations can be salvaged, even if just in theory. Perhaps it might take reporting to a different person, findin g a trusted mentor, or taking on a good career development opportunity or interesting side project.5 Have you exhausted your options for making it better?This may be the most challenging because it forces you to face the fact that the complicated and painful situation you are in was co-created with your active participation. Be brutally honest and ask yourself if you have really done everything you could to make this better. Own your part in the mess so that you can begin to dig your way out.RelatedIts OK to Quit (Your Job)What if you have answered the five questions above and concluded that your work situation has moved beyond Its complicated and into Its time to break up? The best strategy is to start actively looking for other options and applying for jobs while still employed. This step is best done as quietly as possible, no matter how tempted you might be to make a scene. Here are five common job-quitting mistakes that could be detrimental to your long-term career. Avoid them at all costsJob-Quitting Mistake 1 Gossipping and complaining to co-workersSure, it may help you blow off some steam and bond over the shared misery. However, complaining and gossiping adds no constructive value beyond making you feel momentarily better. The relief will pass quickly, but the consequences may last longer than this job. Feeling frustrated and upset is completely normal in your situation, but try to channel those feelings into constructive next steps Brush the dust off of that LinkedIn profile, get a professional to review your resume, or re-connect with professionals who can help you find a new opportunity.Job-Quitting Mistake 2 Using the possibility of quitting as leverageHere is the big secret successful professionals either stay in a job and make the most of it or leave without making a fuss. They dont talk about quitting in hypothetical terms or use it as a negotiating leverage.When you feel underappreciated or undercompensated, its tempting to believe that the th reat of leaving will make your boss realize how amazing you are and finally give you what you want. In your imagination, the company will pay you mora, grant you the things you have been asking for, reassign you to a different job, and give you more flexibility just to make you stay. Unfortunately, real life does not work that way. Instead of delivering on your requests, your boss is much more likely to begin searching for your replacement Your outburst of Well, I guess I will just start looking for other opportunities will lock you out of interesting new projects and make you look unprofessional and childish. Dont do it.Job-Quitting Mistake 3 Not showing upChecking out physically or mentally spells the death of good opportunities for professionals. Its difficult to remain engaged when your heart isnt in it (Im not suggesting you become the companys biggest cheerleader), but you think twice before you stop doing your work. Stay focused. References matter and todays business world i s more connected than ever before. Do your best to leave with your performance reviews and professional integrity intact.Job-Quitting Mistake 4 Making emotional decisionsSlamming a door in your bosss face will give you a few seconds of satisfaction. So will stomping out of a meeting or screaming at a difficult co-worker. In the end, though, all of those actions are more likely to sabotierung your next career move than set you up for success. Keep your eye on the ball, take a deep breath, and do whats best for your career in the long run, which, in most cases, involves taking control of your emotional state.Job-Quitting Mistake 5 Quitting on a whim with no planWalking out of a job has its perks a completely open day tomorrow, for instance. However, it also takes away one of your options without automatically creating others. Looking for a job while unemployed is definitely not an impossible task plenty of professionals do it to great effect. However, searching for a new opportunit y from the safety of a stable paycheck gives you the luxury of time. It lowers the pressure to find a position in two weeks or risk missing your rent or mortgage payment. That, in turn, improves the odds of finding a position that is a great fit instead of something to just tide you over.When things get complicated at work, keep a cool head Just as in romantic relationships, sudden, poorly-considered moves wont serve you in the workplace. Even if your situation at work leaves much to be desired, more options are always better. By continuing to show up and taking an honest look at your circumstances, you gain the perspective and the time to craft a plan and make your next career move a good one. After all, you deserve nothing lessClick on the following link for more advice on changing careers.Make sure your resume will help you find the one. Request a free resume critique todayRecommended ReadingBefore You Jump Ship, Consider These 5 TipsCareer Quiz Is It Time for a Career Change?Mak e the Most of a Job You Dont Love
Thursday, December 26, 2019
How to Handle Every Online Resume Builders Challenge with Ease Using These Tips
How to Handle Every Online Resume Builders Challenge with Ease Using These TipsHow to Handle Every Online Resume Builders Challenge with Ease Using These TipsHow to Handle Every Online Resume Builders Challenge with Ease Using These TipsCourtesy of Markus Spiske from unsplash.comCrafting a resume can be a daunting task especially when you are creating it from scratch. If you are bedrngnis expert at resume writing, often you will consider getting help especially if you entering the working world or transitioning into a new career. Whether it is creating one from scratch, hiring a professional resume writer,online resume service or using a resume builder, the choice is dependent on experience, time and budget. If you are on a budget but also want to save time while crafting a resume that tells your story and shows your personality, an online resume builder is a great choice.Some people will tell you not to use a resume template because almost everyone will likely have the same template or you are selling yourself short because there is little to no originality. But the reality is using an online resume builder not only helps you to save time but allows you to focus on whats key in creating a resume which is the content. Will it look like the rest, quite likely if you take a lazy approach to creating your resume, but if you know how to use templates resourcefully, you can stand out among your peers.Major Benefits of Using an Online Resume BuilderConsider these four tips for using online resume builders versus creating your resume from scratchHelps you to stay consistent. With hundreds of resumes reaching employers and a mere six seconds being spent reviewing resumes, it is important to have a resume that will keep their attention. A sure way to lose any recruiters attention is inconsistent fonts and layout. With an online resume builder, it can help you to stay consistent with current market trends such as the standard font, layout, and format. Having a consistent resume helps with having a mora professional look and speaks volumes about your personal brand.Saves you time. One of the major benefits of using an online resume builder is the time it allows you to save in researching most suitable formats. Instead, it gives you more time to focus on the creating content and telling your story. Also using an online tool helps to accelerate the time spent on resumes.It keeps your document up-to-date. Have you been out of the job market for a while? Using a template will empower you to be in keep with industry standards. Withthe bestonline resume builder, as industry trends change, online resume templates are revised and conform to the latest trends. With resume formats constantly changing, having a tool in place will help you not only to be consistent but does not make your resume look outdated.Provides visual flexibility. Not everyone is blessed with a great eye for entwurf and layout to create an impressive-looking and professional resume.That i s why having tools like an online resume builder will help you save time off hands while helping you to have a standout resume. The visual flexibility of online resume builders and templates such as those provided by Canva helps with organizing your content in a readable format that keeps the information tidy and sharply aligned. In an era where having a strong personal brand is a plus, the capability to get creative using styles, themes, and colours while showing your personality to your resume is an outstanding element.Convinced that online resume builders are the right fit for you? Here are some online resume builders you can consider, from modern to unorthodox vorkaufsrechts.KickResume Allows users to select templates based on their profession and provides a feature to easily write a cover letter using the same design as your CV so you can keep all documents consistent when you need to buy CV online. A key feature is it allows US-based users to search for jobs on the sites job b oard.ResumeBuilder With little to no resume writing experience, this tool provides a step-by-step guide for writing every section of your resume. One of the key features is its keywords which enable users to optimize their resume.Google Resume Builder One of the simpler tools, Google Resume Builder gives you the flexibility to create a professional-looking resume in minutes. One of the pros is it connects to your Google Drive account which means your resume can be easily edited and shared with whoever you like.Canva A favourite for many individuals who are big on visuals is Canva. It provides users with the visual flexibility that are uncomplicated. Someone with little or no design skills can easily put together a professionally designed resume. The plus, there are many templates that suit almost every profession and style. Canva offers great designs which are sometimes a con on other resume builder platforms. The only setback to this tool is there is no option to upload your CV.Com mon Struggles with Online Resume BuildersWhile there many tools to craft your perfect resume, we cant overlook that every online resume builder tool comes with its share of pros and cons. Some of the common struggles includeToo much information. Some templates can be a bit overwhelming with information and many sections that are not relevant. Having a template with many sections isnt a pass to add all your accomplishments and previous positions, instead, you should consider the most important and relevant details.Formatting Adding and removing sections on some resume templates can be a pain which often leads to misalignment and formatting. Should you make changes to the template, the key is always to ensure cohesiveness and readability. Make sure employers can quickly skim the sections they need to see. So choose formats that have sufficient white space, uses bullet points and a font that is easy to read.Personalization One of most mentioned cons about using a template is having a r esume that looks like everyone elses. Lack of personalization can give off the impression of being lazy and can send the wrong signal to employers who constantly receive template resume. The solution, consider spending a little more time to enhance the visuals and layout of your resume.Ways to Handle the Challenges in Building an Online ResumeHere are some useful and practical tips for tackling challenges you might face in creating your resume using an online tool.Keep it clear and concise. Make sure your resume is clear and concise. Remember, employers spend only a few seconds on resumes, so keep it readable but marketable. Sometimes templates can have the options for many sections of a resume, only use those that are applicable and consider merging sections to limit the number of pages and reducing irrelevant information.Go off the beaten path. Many people use templates that are less than impressive and spells boring, consider using templates that are modern and slightly different from the norm but still professional. Consider using templates that are less popular but still has a clean and modern finish. Also, feel free to browse other templates and incorporate different elements you like into your template.Find one that matches your personal brand. Feel free to remove and add sections that will showcase your skills. Dont like a font, colour or that border, change it. Add your creativity and make the template your own while illustrating your brand and personal style while bearing in mind industry standards and trends. Your resume should create an image about you. Make sure it has a personal touch.Getting the job, you deserve in this economy can be difficult without the right help, with the use of templates you are empowered to make the right step and to craft a great resume that will place you ahead of the competition. Remember, your resume should be a tool to open doors.Do you create your resume from scratch or do you use online resume templates? Carey-Lee DixonCreative thinker is passionate about helping individuals and organizations to grow by taking risks and challenging the position quo. Carey-Lees has extensive experience in geospatial technology and digital content creation (blogging and social media) with solid graphic designing skills.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
What Recruiters Look at When Stalking Your Social Media
What Recruiters Look at When Stalking Your Social MediaWhat Recruiters Look at When Stalking Your Social Media You probably already know recruiters are looking at your LinkedIn page, but what about your other social media platforms ? You know, the ones where you post pictures of your latest vacation, share what you had for dinner and occasionally tag your friends in memes. Why, you might wonder, would a recruiter possibly be interested in viewing things like that?As it turns out, those personal details are precisely why recruiters and hiring managers keep tabs on applicants social media accounts, says career coach Hallie Crawford. It can help them get a more accurate idea about who you are outside of your resume - a more personal view into your life, she explains. A resume can tell them your qualifications, but your social media profile can help them determine your personality type and if you would be a good fit for company culture .Plus, recruiters are looking for red flags - risqu photos, bad language, signs of drugs use - that would show them youd be a less than ideal man or woman to have in their offices.So now that you know why theyre looking, how about knowing what theyre looking at?According to Crawford, recruiters and hiring managers are concentrating their efforts on two sections of your Facebook page - your about me section, and your photo albums.About Me They will want to see how you describe yourself and if it matches upwith how you have described yourself in your cover letter and resume, Crawford says. Any discrepancies could cost you points pre-interview. Whats more, Crawford says, they will also be looking for proper spelling and grammar in this section, to see how seriously you take those skills.Photos When it comes to your photos albums, a hiring manager will be checking not only your photos but also your descriptions, Crawford warns. A hiring manager wants to see if you represent yourself in a professional way. To come off in the most positive pre-meeting light, you will want to avoid using profanity, sexual or drug references, Crawford says.Who Youre Following Recruiters like to see if you have any mutual connections and if you are connected with others in your industry, Crawford explains. Following others in your industry is a smart thing to do no matter what - watching their feeds can give you a scoop on a new job opening, company announcements, the latest tech and much more.Tweets Recruiters will be checking to see if you share useful information, if you share information relevant to your trade or if you just use tweets to fight with others, Crawford says. If youre applying for a job, take a look at your tweeting history and consider deleting anything that wont show your best - and most thoughtful - self to a potential employer.Followers Recruiters will check out the kind of followers you attract, Crawford says. Plus, theyll want to see how friendly and social you seem to be with your followers, she says. What you say to them and what you say back, she explains, can also give them insight into your personal relationships and if you would be a good cultural fit for the company.Pictures You probably figured this, right? But recruiters are looking to see more than your photography skills (or lack thereof). They will want to see how you represent yourself , Crawford says. For example, if you are at a party, do you represent yourself in a dignified way? Crawford asks, or, do you post things that others would consider inappropriate?
Monday, December 16, 2019
4 tips for building a compelling company culture
4 tips for building a compelling company culture4 tips for building a compelling company cultureCompany culture is playing an increasinglylarger role in the job selection process.A few years ago, ping pong tables in anoffice started a trend of perks qualifyingas good company culture.Now, the stakes have been raised Google has in-office saunas, Basecamp allowsremote work from anywhere in the world, and Yahoo has a company gym with sand volleyball and basketball courts.The problem is, those perks are being confused with company culture.At the core of anycompany, there are values, beliefs, standards, and goals that have to be communicatedand well-received in order to guarantee success.Thoseare what make up company culture. As an entrepreneur, here are some tips from my experience that have helped my companysucceed.As an entrepreneur, here are some tips from my experience that have helped my companysucceed.1. Create a company vision that your employees should, and want to, embodyAs a lea der, it is up to you to institute a company vision that includes business goals, growth strategy, and values that act as governing rules for your organization. At Motivate Design, we have two rules that our employees follow and embody. Rule No.1? Use your best judgment. Rule No. 2? See Rule No.1. This vision is something that your team can constantly look to when things get crazy or feel misaligned. Write down your vision, print it out or put it up on the walls whatever you do, making it easy to constantly reference will fuspur its fervor within your organization. When you see someone embodying this vision, give positive reinforcement.At Motivate Design, we have two rules that our employees follow and embody. Rule No.1? Use your best judgment. Rule No. 2? See Rule No.1. This vision is something that your team can constantly look to when things get crazy or feel misaligned. Write down your vision, print it out or put it up on the walls whatever you do, making it easy to constantly reference will spur its fervor within your organization. When you see someone embodying this vision, give positive reinforcement.Write down your vision, print it out or put it up on the walls - whatever you do, making it easy to constantly reference will spur its fervor within your organization. When you see someone embodying this vision, give positive reinforcement.2. Establish clear parameters for how and when employees receive company informationIts up to you to decide how much to share with your staff regarding business decisions. To ensure a healthy company culture, clearly state how your employees receive that information and in what medium. No one likes to hear things through the grapevine, as it can often turn into a rumor mill. Whether it be a quarterly report, Slack channel or weekly meeting (like we have at Motivate Design), your employees will appreciate the opportunity to be filled inWhether it be a quarterly report, Slack channel or weekly meeting, your employees will appreciate the opportunity to be filled inon the latest information. This also creates a safe place to ask questions or for clarification around lingering issues. Use this to address concerns like staffing decisions (who is joining/leaving and why), changes in positioning (new offerings or services), current market trends and upcoming events.Use this to address concerns like staffing decisions (who is joining/leaving and why), changes in positioning (new offerings or services), current market trends and upcoming events.3. Find employees who identify with where the company is and where it wants to goThis piece is especially important in start-up and growth-stage companies. Things can (and will) change. And thats OK.As a leader/entrepreneur, this is something that you may even find unsettling or scary. Make sure your team is there to support, rally and advocate for you and your company when those changes emerge.Not everyone will be a fit for certain changes and staffing changes may n eed to be made. And thats also okay. But it will be easier for your employees to ride the waves of change when they are clearly communicated from the get-go. Review these at quarterly meetings where employees can work through these changes in a collaborative, creative environment.4. Feedbackis your friendYou are the leader of your company, but you cant do it all. A staff full of unhappy campers only makes for poor-quality work and a hostile environment. In a good company culture, its important to have an outlet for employees to provide feedback on whats going on in the day-to-day office life.For example, send monthly surveys with opportunities to collect specific and broad points of feedback, or create a company culture committee responsible for boosting morale and fixing issuesbeforethey become issues. Implement what you hear to maintain a happy and prosperous company culture.These arent the only things that make for good company culture, and ping pong tablesarea nice touch. But, i t is evident that communication might just play the most important role inwhat ends up shaping the culture.This article originally appeared on BusinessCollective.Mona Patel is Founder and CEO ofMotivate Design.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
How to Send and Stop LinkedIn Invitations and Messages
How to Send and Stop LinkedIn Invitations and MessagesHow to Send and Stop LinkedIn Invitations and MessagesLinkedIn makes it very easy to message others on the site to ask them to join your network, to request job or career advice, or to ask them to write you a recommendation. However, while it is easy to send messages, they should still be well-written and professional. Below are a few guidelines to remember when writing a message on LinkedIn. Guidelines for Sending LinkedIn Invitations and Messages Salutation When composing a message to a current contact, format your message like a professional email. Include a salutation if you are on a first-name basis with the rolle, you can use their first name. Otherwise, use their title (Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. XYZ). Self-Introduction If you are messaging a contact, the understanding is that you already know one aelendher. However, if you connected with this contact a long time ago, and are worried they do not remember you, you can certainly be gin your email with a brief re-introduction (I cannot believe it has been over a year since we attended XYZ Conference together). Enforce Your Willingness to Help If you are messaging someone to ask for a favor (a recommendation, job advice, etc.), be sure to announce your willingness to help them as well (e.g. I would be more than happy to write you a recommendation as well.). When you do something for a contact on LinkedIn, they are far more likely to do something for you. One great way to get help is to start by writing a LinkedIn recommendation. Giving to get works really well and if youve offered an unsolicited reference, youll be at an advantage when you need assistance. Thank You If you are messaging someone to ask for a favor, be sure to say thank you towards the end of your message. If they complete the favor for you, be sure to follow-up quickly with a thank-you message. Dont Overdo It Dont take advantage of your network. Be judicious about who you ask for help and how often you request assistance. Also, be careful about who you ask for help if you are currently employed. Dont send a mass mailing to a lengthy list of connections. Instead, be selective about who you ask for help and take the time personalize your request. Tips for Sending LinkedIn Invitations to Connect Personalize Invitations to Connect When sending a connection request, LinkedIn provides the generic message, Id like to add you to my professional network. Never use this message on its own instead, personalize each request. Below are a few guidelines for writing an invitation to connect. Introduction Begin with a self-introduction if you do not already know the person. Why You Would Like to Connect Explain why you want to be contacts with the person perhaps you read an interesting article they posted, you both work for similar companies, etc. If you would like to connect because you want career advice, you can include this in your invitation. However, do not directly ask for a job or for a recommendation until the person has accepted your invitation. Mutual Benefits Emphasize how the potential contact could benefit from your connection. Something as simple as, Please let me know if I can be of any help, will show the person the potential benefit of being your contact. Say Thank You Always end by saying Thank you. Follow-up If the person does not respond in about a month, you can send one more request. After that, it is best to stop. Some people simply keep a small list of close contacts. What Not to Do When Sending a LinkedIn Message Dont Send a Generic Message Youve deleted LinkedIns canned language in your message request but youve replaced it with your own template, which you use for all invitations. Insert buzzer noise here. Just as you wouldnt send the saatkorn cover letter with every job application, you shouldnt send the same message with every invitation to connect. Personalize your invitation, and youll increase your chances of getting a re sponse. Dont Ask for More Than Youre Prepared to Give Not ready to recommend this person, either because youre too busy or you dont know them in person? Dont ask them for a recommendation. Its that simple. Dont Stalk Once youve sent your initial message and followed up once without a response, let it go. Repeatedly sending messages wont convince them to connect with you just the opposite. Dont Treat LinkedIn as a Dating Site Hopefully this goes without saying, but well say it anyway LinkedIn is not Tinder or Match. No matter how much you like someones head shot, or feel that their professional experience indicates that you two are soulmates, LinkedIn is not the place to forge a love connection. How to Send a LinkedIn Message Heres how to send messages to your connections Go to your Messaging page or directly to your connections Profile.From your connections Profile, click the Message button, and then type your message in the space provided.From the Messaging page, click the Com pose icon, and then type in the recipients name. You can message up to 50 contacts at a time. Are you tired of all the email you get from LinkedIn? The site will send you an email for just about everything - whats happening with your connections, group messages, invitations, updates and more - if you arent careful about your settings. If youre getting too much email from LinkedIn, you can adjust your settings to limit or stop the volume of email you are receiving. Its easy to cut back on the volume of messages you get from LinkedIn. With just a few steps, you can eliminate almost all the email you get. How to Turn Off or Reduce the Messages You Get From LinkedIn Heres how to stop or reduce LinkedIn emails Click on Privacy Settings (under your profile picture in the right corner of the desktop page)Click on Communications You will now be able to change the following options Email frequencyWho can send you invitationsMessages from membersGroup invitationsGroup notificationsPartic ipate in researchPartner InMail Click on each option to change your email and communication settings. Each section contains different options for personalizing when and how you receive emails of that type. For example, if you click on Email frequency, you can choose which types of emails from Connection invitations to Jobs and Opportunities you would and would not like to receive. Where to View Messages You can quickly edit your settings to reduce the volume of email you get from LinkedIn to a manageable amount. Even if you do turn off most email messages, youll still be able to view them in your inbox, which has sections for Invitations and Messages from other LinkedIn users.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Resume Quotes Explained
Resume Quotes Explained You may even go for an available writer to communication panel, which gives you an immediate communication between the author and the customer. While there are tons of various ways to lead a geschftliches miteinander, there are a number of important pillars of effective leadership skills that may help define your style. Everyone would like to figure out ways to stick out during the work application procedure. Simply speaking, simply because it is suitable for facebook doesnt signify it is right for a work application. There are multiple resume templates you are able to select from to customize your application and create your resume your own. For example, if youre asking for an I.T. position and you run an on-line software discussion group in your free time, mention that Make sure youre highlighting the most relevant and topical experience essential for the position. As you could have noticed, design is only one of several elements in your resume that may capture attention. Read my essay writing tafelgeschirr reviews and my guide to selecting the very best service for everything you want to understand about how to plek the best writing businesses. You can also search for quotes on your previous performance reviews. As soon as you locate a service you prefer, dont neglect to look at my review of it. Simply speaking, the service exists, so should you need to use it in order to find a top essay, thats reason enough. What You Must Know About Resume Quotes If youve got an intriguing quote about teaching or learning that you want to see added to this page, dont hesitate to speak to us. Needless to say, this list isnt exhaustive, these are only a few examples of the most well-known reasons students turn to writing services. If youre attempting to obtain work, then youre essentially attempting to sell yourself. The good thing is that resume gaps arent as big a concern since they used to be. Utilizing a writing service is the be st means to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to make sure the essays you write are hitting all the crucial points and are at the appropriate depth necessary for your academic grade. Therere obtainable for save, if youd rather and want to obtain that, just click save logo on the internet page, and itll be immediately down loaded to your laptop. Its critical that the service you decide on knows for sure theyre only employing the ideal essay writers. The Benefits of Resume Quotes Please remember that you will require a companion cover letter to seal the offer. An excellent leader is someone who has a whole lot of knowledge already, but still works to learn mora daily. Youre able to market yourself all you want on your resume but being in a position to back this up with a good accolade from another professional in the industry can create an even larger impression. A collaborative team is just about the very best weapon you can have to win against your competition. Lies Youve Been Told About Resume Quotes Quotes are extremely powerful. You just have a limited quantity of real estate on your resume, so each individual word counts, states OSullivan. When to use a quote is all up to you. Committed Show that youre devoted to your work, begin to finish. Applications arriving after the deadline wont be accepted. Resume Quotes Can Be Fun for Everyone So show a possible employer that youre prepared to put money into their company for many years to come. The security business is a challenging gig. The restaurant business is hiring. Resume gaps arent necessarily a huge liability, but they could still damage your chances with some resume screeners. Apart from establishing experience and abilities, candidates want to show theyd be a superior fit, and above all, a great bet for a possible employer with a place to fill. Make your hobbies and interests specific and attempt to communicate, even briefly, how they may be relevant to the job which y ou are applying for. To the extent that its possible, attempt to recognize the most suitable people skills which are a match for your intended business and position. If youre looking at how to develop into a high school principal, you can begin now by gaining the necessary skills and communicating transferable skills. If youre unwilling to take any risks, then your company may not make an entire bunch of progress. However frustrating the approach becomes, dont get rid of hope. Youll enjoy in altering the sequence to get far better results. Your resume will never please all the people all the moment. Click the resume examples below to receive a jump start on your resume and locate a job faster What You Should Do About Resume Quotes Beginning in the Next Six Minutes Other great quotes are ones that speak directly to a particular skill or character trait thats important in your intended roles. So far as effective leadership skills go, it is one which you may rather not overl ook. The more knowledge that you have, the more valuable you will be to your team. All your team must do is harness their strengths in order to accomplish the common organizational objectives.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Lucy Barnes - Career Coach
Lucy Barnes - Career Coach Lucy Barnes Career CoachPosted March 6, 2019, by Jenny Meet Lucy, PR graduate turned sales rep, turned PR professional, turned producer, turned HR member turned career coach. Yep, shes had quite the career journey. After many highs and low Lucy is a happy and proud career coach at General Assembly, helping students find success during and after their studies.Read all about her career adventures here....Tell us what a day in your role may look likeThe main aspects of my role are to teach our students the best practices when it comes to finding a job and coach them through the process from when they start their course at GA, to when they find a job after graduation. Its a varied role and my day could include- Having 11 coaching sessions with a student or job seeker. This could be helping them with their resumes or even guiding them through a salary negotiation. Whatever they need advice on, they can reach out to me- Organising networking events where our gra ds can meet employers first hand- Teaching in-class workshops on a variety of topics such as the importance of networking, how to build an effective LinkedIn profile, interview preparation etc.- Prospecting and meeting with potential employers in the industry who might be interested in hiring our gradsTell us about your study and career journeyI went to university straight after school to study PR and Marketing. After uni, I couldnt find any PR roles in my local area so I took a sales role at a pillow factory (no joke). After 6 months of that, I welches actually made redundant. It welches crushing. My goal welches always to move to London so I packed up everything and went travelling. When I got to London I got a role as a PR Assistant in a film marketing agency. I stayed at that company for 5 years I actually moved away from PR and into production where I got to work on producing movie trailers and posters etc. It was a lot of fun but a lot of hard work and long hours. In 2013 I mo ved back to Australia and stayed in the agency world working with FMCG clients but was really starting to burn out. I realised that it wasnt a sustainable journey for me. If I was going to give up my social life for the office, it wasnt going to be so that some client, somewhere, could sell a few extra cans of deodorant. So, I did some thinking, 2 years of thinking in fact, and after that time I realised that the thing I liked most about my job, wasnt my job at all. It was the thing I was always doing on the side...helping people. If a team member was having an issue with their manager, it was me that they came to for advice. If a manager was having an issue with one of their team members, it was me they came to. If a friend wasnt happy in their job, if someone wanted to ask for a pay rise, if the CEO was having confidence issues... I was there to help. So I transitioned into an HR role in the company I was already working for and eventually came across the Career Coach role at Gene ral Assembly. Ive been here for over 3 years and I love it. I love helping people, and I love having such a rewarding role.Whats the most interesting thing thats happened to you in your career?Getting invited to a movie premiere with my clientsWhat was your first job and what do you think it taught you?When I was 15 I got a casual job developing photos in a camera shop. Besides learning great customer service skills, I think the biggest lesson came later in life when film cameras became obsolete. I had that role for 6 years and experienced the digital disruption first hand. A few years after I left, I read that the whole company had gone under. Overnight your job could become obsolete and I think its important to continue learning and expanding your skills so that you can handle those shifts better. Name a career highlightA recent student of mine had moved to Australia for university and after he graduated he spent 2 years looking for work with no luck. He eventually came and studie d with us but was lacking confidence due to his negative experience. We worked together a lot throughout the course and elend long after he received an offer from one of the big four firms. He was so ecstatic and its those moments that make me really love my job. Name a career lowBeing made redundant from my first role out of uni sure felt like a career low at the time. I took it so personally and thought it was something I did wrong, when in fact it was the company that was failing. It took me a while to realise that it was actually a blessing in disguise. It was exactly what I needed to push me to go overseas and thats where my career really started.Name something in your field youd like to know more aboutNeuro-linguistic programming. Im planning to study NLP this year and Im hoping I will be able to bring this into my coaching conversations. Whats the most important career tip someone has given you?Its just a job. Earlier in my career, I was really tough on myself and would get s tressed quite easily if a project was slipping. My manager at the time reminded me that it was just a job and not worth losing sleep over. It has stuck with me throughout my career and helps me to remember that I can only control whats in my control. Whats the number tip would you give someone preparing for a job interview?Research everything. Press releases, website, key players, social sites etc. What are their values, who are their clients, how long have their staff worked there? e.g. If the staff are all new, is this a sign of high turnover, or are they going through a period of growth? This research will give you an insight into the companys culture and will give you key information to focus on e.g how you prepare your answers, what questions to ask and even how to dress for your interview.What career advice do you wish someone had given you after you graduated high school?I think for me it would be two things. 1) People in the industry are very happy to help and give advice. I decided to study PR at university based on the two-paragraph description in the course guide. I wish I had reached out to someone in the field to learn more about what the day-to-day looked like before I dedicated 3 years to study it. I know now that there would have been a lot of people happy to help me. 2) What you do next doesnt have to be what you will do for the rest of your life. Im 33 and have already had 5 distinctly different careers Sales, PR, Production, HR and now Career Coaching. Just dont be afraid to try, its all of these different experiences that led me to where I am now. What important qualities and skills should people have if they want to become a career coach?Empathy resilience are key in any role where you are working with people. In my role, Im talking to a lot of different people, each of whom are transitioning their careers and that can be a stressful time for them. I need to be conscious of how theyre coping and feeling. As a Coach, Im often the first one the students come to if something is happening in their personal life but as an empath, it can be easy for me to take on their pain as well. Just know your limits and make sure you take the time you need to debrief and unwind. I have an incredibly supportive team and manager so we all look out for each other.Is a career in coaching your calling? Explore and compare a range of coaching courses right here Or check out a course by General Assembly and have the opportunity to grow your career with Lucys help.Counselling ResourcesRehabilitation counsellor sample resumeRehabilitation counsellor sample cover letterInterested in becoming a?Marketing OfficerTeam LeaderHuman Resources ManagerCommunity WorkerCounsellorPopular Career Searchescareer objective examplescareers in astronomycareer change cover letterlist of careers a-zgraduate lawyer career objectiveCounselling CoursesDiploma of CounsellingEnquire erreichbar Enquire OnlineBachelor of CounsellingEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Psychological Science and SociologyEnquire Online Enquire OnlineGraduate Diploma in PsychologyEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJennyRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCounsellingMental HealthMental Health Week 2013 promoting awarenessIts Mental Health Week and weve been talking to some inspiring people who have turned their mental illness into a positive path forward.CoachingCommunity ServicesMaking lives betterAre you a compassionate and nurturing person with a passion for helping people overcome difficult situations? 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