Friday, May 29, 2020

Unhappy in Your Job Heres Where Youre Going Wrong

Unhappy in Your Job Here’s Where You’re Going Wrong Boring tasks, difficult colleagues and an endless pit of meaningless work. Sound familiar? Many of us are unhappy in our jobs and are holding out for something better in order to make us happier. In fact,  roughly 60% of the UK workforce is unhappy, according to  Investors In People (IIP). This dissatisfaction, combined with our perception of ourselves through others successes, makes a miserable bunch of workers who are desperately waiting to be happy. Unfortunately, waiting to be happy or assigning happiness to a certain change in your life, never really works out. Your happiness might peak after you buy that new car, but does the new purchase mean that all your other problems just melt away? Probably not. It’s this reason why appreciating or changing the here and now is more important than living for  the future,  where things will be different. Here are a few reasons why we aren’t content in our careers and why we need to change our perception of job satisfaction. A better job or a promotion could actually  make you unhappy Affectionately referred to as the ‘honeymoon-hangover effect’, one study suggests that moving jobs will not make you happier in the long term. The managers involved in the study peaked within the first few days of their new jobs (honeymoon), followed by a drop in job satisfaction throughout the following year (hangover). Those managers that did not change roles retained a roughly consistent level of satisfaction. More holidays make work harder A study in the Work and Stress Journal reports that 96 Dutch workers showed improved levels of health and well-being whilst on holiday. Yet, within the first week of returning to work, these effects returned to the same level as they were pre-holiday. While this study provides evidence that holidays are effective in improving well-being, the benefits quickly fade. Post Vacation Syndrome (PVS), or post-holiday blues mean that returning to work is far harder, especially when you’ve been so far removed from your usual routine. One study cites that 57% of UK workers suffer from the aforementioned effects. These ‘blues’ led to 34% of those surveyed turning to spending sprees, 10% to drinking more alcohol, and 21% to booking off more holiday without approval. The remaining 15% became so stressed from the ordeal, that they didn’t feel like the holiday had even happened, and 12% were anxious about returning to their daily routine. In essence, more holidays will not always make you happier; if anything they make it far harder to return to work and actually enjoy anything you do in comparison to the long leisurely beach vacations you’ve become accustomed to with more holiday allowance. A higher salary  isnt all its cracked up to be It’s often a faux pas to say that money makes you happier, but apparently it does… up until a point. A survey  of 1000 Americans suggests that an increase in salary correlates with an increase in overall happiness. The salary-happiness tipping point, according to a 2010 study, was cited at $75,000, which is roughly £50,000- £55,000. Once you surpass this tipping point, according to Psychologist and Nobel Prize winner, Daniel Kahneman, your happiness does not increase with the more money you make. But why? Well, this tipping point salary generally provides enough money for one to be comfortable and stable. Anything more is just excess, and doesn’t necessarily make you happier, so do bear that in mind when this common career myth crops up. Plus, do you actually need more money, or do you want it because someone else is on a higher salary than you? Often our perception of our salary is based on that of those around us, which is another point to consider when you pin your ‘future happiness’ on getting and having more money. What does make us happier at work? What truly makes you want to come into work? You might not have any answers to that question right now, but for jobs you’ve enjoyed in the past, what has been the best aspect? Boston Consulting Group’s 2014 survey of 200,000 workers shows a great difference between what we think will make us happier (essentially, what others have) and what we need for actual job happiness. Ranking at number 1 under the ‘happiness on the job’ section, was ‘appreciation for your work.’ Completing the top four happiness factors were: 2. Good relationships with colleagues, 3. Good work-life balance and 4. Good relationships with superiors. ‘Attractive fixed salary’ ranked in eighth place, and is the only factor within the top 10 that is a type of compensation, with the majority of the top ten being work environment-based. Interestingly, the UK’s isolated top three factors for job happiness were the factors ranked 2-4 worldwide. What now? So what do we do with these newly discovered work-happiness factors? Appreciate them for what they are: good friends, good managers, and a good work-life balance are what we need. We’re not saying don’t leave your job for something different, but don’t expect all your problems to disappear if you do. Don’t stay miserable where you are because you have a good salary, but equally don’t leave a good job, just for a better salary elsewhere. It’s all too easy to let our aspirations of happiness reside in the future, but that is where dreams and goals belong. They stay ahead of you, and your happiness should travel with you towards them. The accomplishments you achieve from aspiring towards these goals will ultimately make you happier than any material desires ever could.

Monday, May 25, 2020

What the New Facebook News Feed Updates Means for Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

What the New Facebook News Feed Updates Means for Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Over the last few years building a strong Fan base on Facebook Pages has become more of a challenge for personal brands. Since the latest updates to its News Feed online relationships have seen a decline. But the ability to build a strong community on Facebook is still possible. Today investing in ads has become essential to attracting new Fans and business opportunities. The good news is that there are several ways you can also have organic reach and continue to grow by implementing a few strategies. How can your brand become more visible on Facebook in the midst of change? Through original content, interactions in Groups, and greater involvement in other social networks. There are some key things your personal brand can employ in order to get your Facebook Page active again and even attract more fans. Most of these strategies help facilitate growth without having the need for a high advertising budget. How to re-build a strong community on Facebook The following steps are things your personal brand can start doing today: Post content that adds value Share a mix of video and images that provide helpful tips and advice, and posts that ask questions without a direct sales approach. Live Video on your personal profile is popular method today to attract an audience to your Page. Start interacting in niche groups Find an active and engaged community where regular communication and   relationship building is genuinely taking place. Pay attention to the rules of each group and save any promotional content for your own Page. Remember that members are seeking helpful and valuable information that can help improve or enhance their lives. Steer clear of engagement bait practices If your brand is directly asking your Fans to comment on your posts then Facebook will take notice and “demote” these. For example, asking your readers to like your post if they agree with what you are presenting. Build up your other social networks If your brand has been focusing more on Facebook than any of your other social networks its time to return to these places and becoming active again. Not only can you attract more subscribers to your website, but you can encourage your followers in these places to become a Fan of your Page. Its not time to abandon Facebook Pages altogether yet by changing your marketing strategy you can continue to grow your personal brands visibility there. Stay up to date with the latest changes and rules in order to avoid any conflicts with their policies as well as setting aside a small budget for running ads at least one a month.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Tackling the Inefficiencies in your Business

Tackling the Inefficiencies in your Business Have you encountered inefficiencies in your  business or  sidehustle? As would be expected every small business works slightly differently because people themselves are different, and each part of the business machine gets human input somewhere along the line. What we usually forget (especially given our big dreams and even bigger expectations!) is that humans are fallible, and sometimes the ways some parts of a business operate are not as efficient as they should be. So how can inefficiencies be identified and then rooted out? Its not always people that cause a business to be inefficient. Frequently it is the way systems work, and although these would initially have been set up by the owner and other employees they can get to stage where they are no longer fir for purpose. So is your system a working one? People problems Business inefficiency can also be caused by people; employees who are not working effectively to help generate the returns required for a sound bottom line. There may be many reasons that an employee is not working efficiently, including problems with family or a relationship, difficulties on the shop floor between employees, or an underlying illness that requires time off. One aspect that business owners should consider is the possibility of drugs or alcohol misuse. A business has the responsibility to keep its employees safe, and any under the influence of substances present a real risk to co-workers, especially if they are in charge of machinery. Many companies go to drug and alcohol testing specialists so that can identify any problems as early as possible before taking action. A wide range of substances can be tested for, and it is becoming more and common for businesses of all sizes to take this step to protect both the business and its employees. Inefficiencies are a common road hump in the running of a business, but it can be overcome with proper follow through and well-oiled systems in place. Do you have any advice for business owners going through inefficiency problems? Tweet us now @mcareergirl or comment below!

Monday, May 18, 2020

10 Tips on Using Instagram for Business - Classy Career Girl

10 Tips on Using Instagram for Business You have only 3 seconds to capture someone’s attention on Instagram. Thats it! So how do you use Instagram for business? Here are 10  steps to start using Instagram for business. Step 1: Profile Photo Set-up your profile photo. Add a personal photo so people can connect with you and see your beautiful face. Step 2: Profile Description Complete your profile description. Include details about who you are professionally and personally. Create a call to action and link it to your optin page for your lead magnet. Step 3: Theme Research and identify your theme. How do you want to serve your audience? Do you want to provide education, inspiration or behind the scenes of your life. Get ideas of how you can position yourself by studying what other leaders are doing in your field. Type in Google “top Instagram accounts for (your topic)” and follow them to get inspiration. Step 4: Content Strategy Plan your content strategy. What is your business about? Write down everything that comes to you on a piece of paper and circle the common themes that come up. Try to identify three content categories that you create content for. Step 5: Content Create your content. Remember that the higher quality of images on Instagram the better. Treat it like a magazine. Add your branding and logo to each image and try to use the same colors and backgrounds. Put together your schedule of when and how often you will post. Remember, you can also “#regram” other people’s posts as long as you credit the original source. Use the iPhone app, Wordswag, or the online site,, to create quote images and add text to your own images. Step 6: Engagement Get likes and comments. Make your posts positive and engaging. Asking for likes or comments is a great strategy. Find others you would like to have in your community by searching hashtags. Like 3 of their photos and add 1 comment on one of their photos. Do this 6 times per day and watch your followers and engagement grow! Step 7: Hashtags Use hashtags. Hashtags turn your post into a clickable searchable link. There is a positive correlation between hashtags and the number of likes and comments you will get. Watch what hashtags other industry leaders are using. Google top hashtags for “your industry.” What hashtags are your ideal client’s using? Save 10-15 hashtags in Evernote and paste them in every time you post. Add hashtags immediately after you post so that you are placed on top! Step 8: Schedule Schedule and optimize. Schedule your posts ahead of time on the iPhone app, Latergramme. You will get a reminder each time your post should be published. You will have to do this manually but it is very quick! Use the online site, Iconosquare, to analyze your results and statistics. Step 9: Call to Action Create a call to action on your posts. Promote your webinars or your lead magnet often. You can’t link on Instragram but you can add “Make sure you join me free training call about this topic. Link in my bio.” Or once every week post a photo that relates to your free lead magnet or feature case studies of your client’s successes. Step 10: Videos Post LOTS of 15-second videos on Instagram. Video gets a ton of attention on Instagram and it’s a great way for people to get to know you. It’s also fast, but you dont have to make content up. You can either take videos you already have created and upload the 15 seconds that you love. Or you can create videos with pictures using Flipagram. You can even add video and photos together on the app, Instavid, or record your own voice to make a video with Video Sound. [RELATED: Make sure you are following Classy Career Girl on Instagram too!]

Thursday, May 14, 2020

6 Tips on How to Find and Hire the Best Candidate

6 Tips on How to Find and Hire the Best Candidate Photo Credit â€" shutterstock.comIf you want to avoid the hustle of sifting through hundreds of resumes to get the best candidates for few positions, you need to do things the smart way.Take for example recruiting agencies and organizations â€" they undertake direct hiring with the goal of embracing creative recruiting to ensure only the best get hired.New hiring techniques such as adding interactive group interviews to a recruiting process, to spot an exceptional talent, are some of the creative ways companies are embracing to make the recruiting process more efficient.evalHere are some of the top strategies that help you get the right candidates for a job.1. Use Self SelectionevalIn order to sieve wheat from the chaff and ensure you only get serious candidates, it is important to add another layer of selection between resume submission and the actual interview.One likely option for achieving this is inviting all the eligible applicants for an open group discussion event.The Wall St reet Journal invited 1200 applicants for a job position, out of which 400 showed up for the open interview event. Self-selection in such case was very effective in eliminating the remaining 800 candidates.Therefore, it is easy to apply for a job, but very few people will show up for the initial screening process. Besides, the process is essential in showing you how people interact in groups, something that may further help you eliminate other candidates.2. Hand Picking Candidates from OrganizationsYou can get the right candidates for employment by directly approaching an already employed person. This may sound rude, but it is a commonly used strategy in which employers approach good workers with the goal to increase the interest in working in their company.How can you achieve this?evalYou achieve this by showing how much you want them to join your organization and propose better contract terms that will be hard to resist. Direct approaches are useful as they demonstrate your intenti ons and how far you are willing to go out of the way to get them to work for you.One way to start the process of handpicking candidates is by visiting their social media pages and following-up with a detailed email conveying your intentions. However, this process suits only medium and high-level management staff recruitment.According to experts, 90% of all direct approaches result positively, which means that this is a highly efficient method of selecting a good candidate for a job.Surveys from top recruiting agencies indicate that 90% of the direct approaches are successful meaning it’s a highly efficient method of getting the right candidates for a job.3. Look for Talents in Unlikely PlacesevalYou can avoid the pain of sifting through hundreds, if not thousands of resumes by seeking talent in unlikely places. You can find the right talents and set of skills in places that are otherwise not considered as job markets.Attend various youth seminars and conferences where people have a chance to display their abilities without the expectation of getting noticed for a job.Visiting such places helps you meet people in the natural self, and you can evaluate their skills without having to worry about pretense and individuals who rehearse for interviews.In addition, this selection allows you to see the real candidate, without them feeling nervous or overwhelmed for being interviewed.Such forums are likely to attract people who have the set of skills and talents you need. If you find the forums where the talents you are seeking hang out, commenting and being active on them will help you get all the information you need.4. Identify Candidates Who Walk an Extra Mile to Get Your AttentionWritten resumes on a job search site are a common phenomenon, and they are tedious to screen. Nonetheless, looking for extra creativity in candidates is essential to get the best candidates for your job.One example of a candidate who goes the extra mile to get the job is an attached vide o to back up their resume. A video will help you identify whether the candidate can express himself fluently and how well he’s mastered the skills relevant to the job position.In other words, check if candidates have done something extra to get your attention, aside from the traditional resume and cover letter application.5. Consider Former CandidatesevalYou could have rejected a candidate in a previous job interview for one reason or another. Perhaps at that point you have found a more suitable candidate for the job in question, while the person would be a great fit for this job position. Or perhaps the candidate was solid, but you only had limited posts to fill.evalRegardless of the reason, you can consider inviting such a candidate again for the interview and check if they are still willing to work with you. Such recruiting is efficient and less expensive as you do not have to spend resources to get to such candidates.It is important to give such candidates a second chance to p roof their abilities, and you might be surprised to find out they are the best fit for the job.6. Consider ReferralsFor a long time, referrals have proven to be reliable for finding the perfect candidate. Linking with other employers and asking for referrals may be a valuable way of getting the right candidate for your job.You just have to tell people you are looking for candidates and they will refer people who ranked second or have been rejected for other reasons. Such methods may just be the best way to get a candidate and are actually proven to be very efficient.Regardless of the smart way you settle on to get the perfect candidate, it is important to screen each applicant before finally awarding them the job. Of course, each position will require a different way of identifying a candidate.evalTherefore, consult widely and always check for new techniques used by other recruiting agencies and companies to select their candidates.Remember this â€" recruiting is a continuous proces s and you can never be sure where you’ll find the best candidate for the job. Hence, always be on the lookout. This will allow you to always find the best candidates, whenever you have a job position to fill.

Monday, May 11, 2020

5 Information System Jobs That Require an MSIS Degree - CareerAlley

5 Information System Jobs That Require an MSIS Degree - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Careers in business information systems are experiencing some of the fastest growth in the tech industry. And with a median income of $139,220, they definitely fit the bill for high earning potential. Information systems jobs are great for anyone who has a dual interest in business and tech. But unlike many other tech positions, many of them require an advanced degree, the most common of which is an MSIS. Careers in business information systems are experiencing some of the fastest growth in the tech industry. And with a median income of $139,220, they definitely fit the bill for high earning potential. Tweet This Here are five of the top jobs you can get with a management information systems degree. 1. Security Administrator While you may be able to get a job as a security admin with a bachelors degree, many employers prefer higher qualifications due to the jobs complexity and importance. A security administrator is responsible for keeping a businesss data and network safe from attack. They continuously monitor the network for threats and respond appropriately when data is compromised. Photo by James McKinven on Unsplash 2. Software, Web, or App Developer Software, web, and app development are three of the hottest careers in tech right now. The development professions rely equally on technical prowess and design thinking, making them the perfect choice for creatives with a background in programming. A developer with an MSIS degree may find themselves creating a website directly for a client, managing a team of software engineers, or being the final pair of eyes to fix bugs and optimize code. 3. Database Analyst A database analyst manages a companys stored information in cloud-based and/or on-premise data centers. Youll make sure the information is organized, accessible, and protected from external threats. An analyst needs skills in performance tuning, security, documentation, and system administration. 4. Technical Support Specialist If youre considering a career in tech but dont want to sacrifice human interaction, a technical support position may be a good fit. Contrary to their portrayal in media, a tech support specialist does a lot more than ask did you try turning it off and back on again? Support specialists work one-on-one to help customers out in case of emergencies like data loss and equipment malfunction. Good communication, quick problem solving, and a desire to serve others will help you go far in this profession. Photo by 85Fifteen on Unsplash 5. IT Consultant Perhaps youre looking for a career in tech that lets you freelance, set your own hours, or travel the country. If so, consider making a place for yourself in the $426 billion IT consulting industry. Consultants use their knowledge and expertise to help businesses make good IT decisions and long-term investments. Successful IT consultants will have excellent planning and communication skills and will be knowledgeable about both tech and business administration. Careers in computer coding appeal to many tech enthusiasts from a variety of backgrounds. After all, its a sector that offers a huge sense of stability and can provide fantastic financial rewards too. However, coders can work on a spectrum of different projects covering many industries and technologies. If youre serious about following the right pathway, your first task is to pinpoint the desired destination. Here are 12 options to get your juices flowing. Careers In Computer Coding What Youll Learn From an MSIS Program Most curricula, like the UAB MSIS program, educate their students on a group of highly practical real-world topics. Youll spend time learning about the business applications of information systems, IT management, best practices for cybersecurity, and emerging trends in the tech world. After graduation, the skills youve learned will make sure youre prepared to take on any of the positions listed above. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Which of These Information Systems Jobs Is Right for You? An MSIS degree can pave the way for you to enter any number of information systems jobs. These five are only a few of the options available, so put your analyst skills to work and do some research to make sure you end up with your dream job! Whether youre trying to land your first job or make a major career switch, the experts at Career Alley have you covered. To get more career tips delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for the Career Weekly newsletter. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to find the opportunities that help you grow your best career. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search

Friday, May 8, 2020

Benefits of Using Professional Services Resume Writing Services

Benefits of Using Professional Services Resume Writing ServicesProfessional services resume writing can be used to take the stress out of the process of creating a resume. The internet and the many personal websites that offer resume writing services can allow individuals to create a resume easily and quickly.Using professional services resume writing services can be helpful in getting an individual to fill out the correct information for each job they apply for. Many of these services allow individuals to fill out their resume completely and without extra editing. They also allow applicants to leave a brief description of themselves and any skills they may have that would be useful in the position they are applying for.A variety of different professional services resume writing services exist and can be found by doing a search online. Finding the right service can help to get your resume properly formatted and approved for submission. Finding the right type of service will allow ind ividuals to put their resume together quickly and easily.When searching for a professional services resume writing service, individuals should know that not all services offer the same amount of service. This is why it is important to research the services before hiring one. Some of the better companies to choose from will offer various types of services. By paying attention to what they offer, individuals can ensure that their resume will receive proper scrutiny.Professional services resume writing services can also help to provide job seekers with sample resumes. By using sample resumes, individuals can see how their resume will look before submitting it. By looking at sample resumes, individuals can see what a potential employer will see when they review the resume. By comparing samples of resumes, individuals can get a clear picture of how their resume will look when it is approved.There are also websites that offer free sample resume template. By using these samples, individual s can see how a good resume will look before putting any money into it. These sample templates will give individuals an idea of what professional services resume writing service can do for them.Professional services resume writing services can be helpful for individuals who are starting out and are looking for work. By using a professional services resume writing service, individuals can ensure that their resume is professional and presentable. In addition, by using a professional services resume writing service, individuals can ensure that they have received the best service possible.By using these services, individuals can ensure that their resume is reviewed by potential employers who will be viewing it. By using this service, individuals can ensure that their resume gets sent to as many employers as possible so that they can have an edge over other applicants.